News & Insights

Besuchen Sie Laser nanoFab auf der Hannover Messe 2024!
Innovation Made in Niedersachsen!
Wir stellen auf der Hannover Messe unsere skalierbare Ionenfalle für die Quantentechnologien vor.
Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 02 auf Stand A02/1.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Neues Produkt: Rogers-Ionenfalle
Die Laser nanoFab GmbH freut sich, die Markteinführung unseres ersten Quantentechnologieprodukts, einer Rogers Ionenfalle, bekannt zu geben!
Dies ist ein bedeutender Meilenstein auf unserem Weg in die Quantentechnologien, der ohne das Engagement unseres Teams und die Unterstützung unserer Partner nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Wir freuen uns auf einzigartige Anwendungen unserer Rogers-Ionenfalle in Forschung und Industrie!

Highly rewarded ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Chichkov
Congratulations to our founding member Prof. Boris Chichkov for receiving an ERC Advanced Grant!
This prestigious European grant is endowed with a total of 2.5 Million € over 5 years and is awarded in fierce competition to excellent researchers for visionary research projects. Prof. Chichkov's interdisciplinary research project deals with a fundamental problem of regerative medicine:
Laser biofabrication of 3D multicellular tissue with perfusible vascular network (Laser-Tissue-Perfuse)
Weiterlesen: Highly rewarded ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Chichkov

Integrated diamond ion traps
Research into new quantum technologies is currently experiencing a considerable upswing worldwide. This is supported above all by expectations of the performance of quantum computers. However, other quantum technologies also promise considerable progress in the fields of measurement technology, sensor technology, medical technology or biotechnology.
We support the IDEAL consortium (Integrierte Diamant-Ionenfallen, Integrated diamond ion traps) as an associated project partner with our know-how in micro- and nanotechnology manufacturing.

Laser nanoFab presenting on PI's digital event
The company PI, leading manufacturer of nanopositioning technology, will be holding a digital event on the topic
Let's Shape the Future of Laser Materials Processing
on June 26, 2021.
We are pleased to participate in this exciting event with our contribution:
"The Use of High-Precision Laser-Assisted Additive Manufacturing for Advanced Tissue Engineering"