EUV Metrology

The characterization and quality control of multilayer mirrors, masks and optical components for the extreme ultraviolet lithography requires a compact, stable and debris-free light source. Laser nanoFab GmbH offers such a light source for metrology, which is based on the electron-induced characteristic emission of solid targets.

Your Tasks
You want to characterize sensitive optical elements like mirrors or filters in the EUV spectral range?
Damage to the optics caused by particles and debris must be avoided?
The radiation source should be stable, precise and compact?

Our Expertise
The EUV tube provided by Laser nanoFab GmbH is a compact and user-friendly extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source for metrology. The source is based on advanced microfocus X-ray tube technology that has been extended to the EUV spectral range. The EUV emission is generated by electrons colliding with solid state targets. This concept guarantees debris-free operation, well-defined performance characteristics and excellent long-term temporal and spatial stability.

- At-wavelength characterization of EUV optical components, e.g. multilayer mirrors, masks, or filters
- Off-synchrotron calibration of EUV tools, e.g. spectrographs and energy monitors
- EUV imaging and microscopy with high lateral resolution